Monday 2 July 2012

Maria Gunning's Beautiful Vanity Mirror

Idly searching though google I stumbled upon this fascinating bit of news; a mirror, once belonging to the legendary beauty Maria Gunning who (along with her two sisters) was a major celebrity during the middle part of the 18th century was sold at a fabulous price of £300,000. Her story captivating and tragic; as a lover of face paints, she became one of the most famous victims of lead paints dying at just twenty-seven. Poor Maria, began loosing her looks and beauty due to this compulsive use of poisonous makeup, which she first used to enhance her looks but soon after to cover  her spoilt beauty; it must have been painful for her to look into this gorgeous mirror, bought for by her husband in 1759 and see her abruptly decaying looks.


Maria Gunning by Allan Ramsey

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